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Wat met christelijke marokkaantjes? Mogen die volgens de Marokkaanse wet ook enkel door moslims worden geadopteerd?
Hoe zit het met onze eigen wetten die discriminatie op basis van religie verbieden ?
en nog iets leuks:
Islam prohibits adopting children. Adoption, as it is understood in the West, is not allowed in Muslim Shariah law. While Mohamed did say “I and a patron of an orphanage are as close in Paradise” and “the best house in Muslim houses is the one with an orphan being treated well in it.” ( Bukhari and Ibn Majah), Islamic law seems to set up different conditions.
Here’s a little background.
(pre)Islamic Arab Custom: Adoption of an orphan/helpless child was a very popular and moral practice amongst pre-Islamic Arabs. By adopting an orphan, they used to consider the adopted child as their own and pass on the adopter’s genealogy and name, inheritance, and the prohibition of marriage on grounds of consanguinity i.e. a close relation or connection.
After Islam: Mohamed undid the above mentioned Arab practice of adopting children. Islam gives the adopted son no actual rights. Yes, one can and is encouraged to care for an orphan, but it is only as an act of kindness and there can never be any legal relationship. At the time of this ruling, a verse was revealed:
“God did not make your adopted son as your own sons. To declare them so is your empty claim. God’s word is righteous and constitutes true guidance. (Q.33: 4).”[/b
]It follows from this revelation that the adopter may marry the ex-wife of his adopted son and vice-versa. Thus Muhammad married Zainab, his former adopted son’s wife. In this regard God further said: “After a term of married life with her husband, We permitted you to marry her so that it may hence be legitimate and morally blameless for a believer to marry the wife of his adopted son provided that wife has already been divorced. That is God’s commandment which must be fulfilled (Q.33: 37).”
LEES VOORAL VERDER - plezant verhaal over Zainab
Nu vraag ik me wel af: waarop gaan ze die adoptie baseren? Op de Marokkaanse sharia - die dus geen volledige adoptie toestaat? - of op de Belgische wet?
Als enkel MOSLIMS die kinderen mogen adopteren, gaat men die MOSLIMS dan verplichten om tégen hun religie in te gaan? Zijn die MOSLIMS dan wel geschikt als adoptieouders volgens onze belgische normen?