Terugnemen het geld betaald naar de syndicus

Berichten: 16087

#16 , 07 aug 2015 21:11

Yes and yes on condition there is a surplus off course. Arrears can be claimed up to five years.

Juridisch actief: Ja
Regio: België

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Berichten: 2825

#17 , 07 aug 2015 23:15

It's best if you ask for the final calculation.
Keep in mind you agreed to pay the syndic.
This is already quite the expense, so don't get your hopes up for receiving a big reimbursement.

Topic Starter
Berichten: 20

#18 , 08 aug 2015 05:34

Ok. I got it. It is a rather big residential area. So, I expect something like half of it back.
I will ask it to my neighbor once. Probably they already know how much it was for previous years.

Thanks a lot for your all responses.


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